Kofoeds enge and Sydvestpynten

Summer wader migration paradise….

Over the last couple of days, I have visited Kofoeds enge to observe the start of the wader migration. Kofoeds enge is a meadow with a beach on one side and is a large EU bird protection area (program Natura 2000). Kofoeds enge is an important area for various breeding and migrating wader species. In order to create peace during the breeding season, access to the moist part of Kofoeds Enge is prohibited from 1 April to 15 July.

Part of my purpose to visit Kofoeds enge was to potentially find a place to set up a temporary photography ‘hide’ (basically scrim netting on the sand and in the shrubs) with the aim of photographing the waders over the coming weeks.

The weather was clear, although we had summer thunder and lightening later in the day, and the build up of waders has started to take place. Species seen included, dunlin, common snipe, wood sandpiper, common ringed plover, lapwing, greenshank, redshank, ruff, oystercatcher and little stint.

There will be many more birds over the coming weeks, hopefully including some of the stunning species such as spotted redshank, black and bar-tailed godwits, golden and grey plovers, broad-billed sandpiper and curlew sandpiper. There have also been a few eurasian spoonbills and a single long-billed dowitcher (American rarity) in the area recently, so hopefully they will also pay a visit.

I plan to share some images over the coming week!


Wader paradise with Birding Copenhagen